Find all the Hidden Mickeys in Disneyland
Going to Disneyland is almost certainly every kid’s – and every adult’s, really (that’s where I went on my honeymoon) – dream come true. It is the happiest place on earth. You will never run out of things to do at the park: go on awesome rides more than once, watch shows, see your favorite Disney characters come to life. You can even go on a scavenger hunt, but instead of looking for whos its and whats its and thing-a-mabobs, your task is to find all the Hidden Mickeys in Disneyland.
A Hidden Mickey is a design element cleverly added into various Disney properties, including movies and TV shows, merchandise, and yes, locations, rides, and other attractions in a Disney theme park. The most obvious and popular Hidden Mickey is composed of three circles combined, making it look like a shape that resembles someone needing no introduction:
While it may seem easy to spot potential Hidden Mickeys everywhere there are circular objects, true Hidden Mickeys will always be proportionally correct: one big circle, two smaller circles exactly where Mickey’s ears should be. They are also rather obscure and camouflaged, making it more challenging to find them. Finally, Hidden Mickeys are always hidden within Disney-related things and places, so if you run into a live giraffe with a Mickey-shaped spot, no matter how incredible that is, it doesn’t count.
On your next trip to Disneyland, do allot some time to go on a Hidden Mickey hunt with your companions (the more, the merrier!). They are everywhere in the park, but here are some places you can start your search:
Your car
Yes, the ‘Find all the Hidden Mickeys in Disneyland’ contest may start the moment you get into the car with your family and friends. When you look up Disneyland Drive on your smartphone for directions, switch on the satellite view. It’s between the Grand Californian and Paradise Pier Hotels:
Parking lot

Posters, signs, posts, and statues

Décor, rides, and games