Northern California Festivals for 2014
This list of Northern California Festivals for 2014 can help you plan out your Spring Break and summer plans. Whether you like trying new foods or exploring local arts and crafts booths, these festivals will give you a vast range of options to choose from. Russian River Jazz and Blues Festival
Northern California Festivals
April 12 | Banff Street Festival in Redding: This Street Fair has it all: rock climbing, outdoor recreation groups, local outfitters, and various vendors all out on the streets in front of the Cascade Theatre where the Banff Mountain Film Festival is held. Admission is free. April 19 | California Nut Festival in Chico: Go nuts for the California Nut Festival! This Northern California festival is perfect for foodies of all kinds with food and beverage tastings. Admission is $25 in advance (online) or $30 at the door. May 31 - June 1 | Summer Arts & Music Festival in Benbow: This arts and music festival, located among the beautiful California Redwoods, is the perfect weekend getaway. Camp nearby and enjoy great music, food, and local crafts. Admission is $15 a day or $25 for both days. May 15-16 | Arts Festival in Arcata: Hosted during Humboldt State's graduation week, this is the perfect festival to attend as a new graduate! It features art exhibits, local crafts, and food provided by local businesses. Admission is $10 for adults $5 for kids with free parking.